Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring, Glorious Spring

Ok, I'm back. I've pulled myself away from the garden long enough to write a little something. It's been busy around here getting the cool season veggies in the ground and more seedlings started so they will be a decent size for the seedling sale I will be having.  It looks like the  seedling sale will be on Sunday, May 19th. Be sure to mark your calendars.

According to several websites, the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension office and a few years of observation, our last killing frost date in this area is around June 5th. We can also get frost as early as September 22nd (on average). This leaves us with a frost-free growing season of around 109 days. Not a very long vegetable growing season so timing is everything.  Buying and planting your seedlings during the middle of May should be perfect timing (perhalps with a little protection for a couple of weeks).

A few days ago we arrived at spring. Wednesday, March 20th, was the Spring Equinox. The crocus and daffodils were blooming. Tulips were pushing their way up through the earth. Bright yellow forsythia were springing to life and.... it was snowing. Sounds about right for around these parts.

An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 September), and according to Wikipedia, it is when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth's equator. Another meaning of equinox is the date when day and night are the same length.

This blog post will be short and sweet. Just a few words and some photos.
The first Daffodils of spring
Some of the various greens in the covered raised bed

A couple beautiful varieties of lettuce growing nicely in the garden

Newly planted seeds in their hooded grow trays. These seedlings sprout very quickly due to keeping their soil warmed with thermostatically controlled heat mats. Once they germinate, the trays will be moved under the 400 watt T5 full spectrum lamps.

Here are some of the tomato and pepper seedlings under the T5 lamps. 

In a couple of months the little seedlings will be nice, mature plants to be sold at the sale.

I am certain that I will never cease to be both astonished and delighted by the power that is held in a tiny little seed. These capsules of genetic information, holding back their power until, with only a small list of ingredients, mainly sunshine (or a sufficient light source) , water and soil, explode to life.

Lunch I ate on one of the planting days. Freshly picked mixed greens and brown rice pasta with homemade marinara from tomatoes that we canned from last years harvest. There is nothing more rewarding than eating food that you grow yourself!

I had to add a photo of this beautiful Dahlia that was overwintered under a grow lamp. It's in full bloom right now and its flowers are truly amazing.  

 These past few days have been filled with soil block making and seed starting. I think I have around five hundred seedlings started ( and that's only the tomatoes and peppers). I'll be starting the squash, melon, cucumber and basil in the next couple of weeks. I'm thinking it's going to be getting pretty crowded around here real soon. So once again, start preparing your garden beds and don't forget to MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the SEEDLING SALE in mid May. It will be at our home and is sure to be a good time!

Well that's about it for now. A little show and tell of what has been happening around here.

 I'm also working on adding an application to this blog where you can enter your email address. When you do, whenever a new blog entry is posted, it will simply appear in your inbox for your reading enjoyment. I think this will be a great feature especially for those readers who rarely check Facebook or simply don't use it.

Once again, thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Dave. Jared passed the flyer on to us and I've sent it to a neighbor who is an avid and talented gardner. We hope to see you at the sale.
